Where you spend your time tells where you place your value

Surprised by Scripture

I’m loving what I find on BioLogos.org. Brad Kramer’s review of Tom Wright’s Surprised by Scripture has this great quote:

Atheists tend to think that we are just a trojan horse for religious fundamentalism in mainstream science, while evangelical Christians and their allies tend to accuse us of negotiating terms of surrender with atheistic materialism. Neither of these descriptions are remotely true of our mission, but it is punishingly difficult to defend ourselves in the context of a rancorous debate between science and faith in which most people assume the two sides can only win at the expense of the other.

Keep an eye on our discussion at Christ and Nature for more discussion. Borrowing again from Kramer’s post, we wish to be:

a growing group of orthodox, biblically faithful Christian thinkers who are taking up the task of recasting the interaction between science and Scripture and thus opening new avenues for conversation and harmony between the two

Join us! For Spring 2016, we meet on Tuesday’s at 11 am.