
Both of these companies are coming out with new cars and designs about every month. If you have already commented, I urge you to follow-up on your comment and say what you do or do not like. Also, do you like where the company is going or do you prefer the company’s old way of doing things and designing? Food for thought. Thanks!


Thank you again for visiting my new site! Since this is the first website that I have created, please leave feedback here about the site. If you could comment on the actual site, how it is set up, how user-friendly it is, etc., that would be great. I am trying to improve my site daily so that it will be easier to use and prompt more comments on the debate I have proposed.


Welcome to my new site! The purpose of this blog is to have a friendly debate about which company is better: Ferrari or Lamborghini. I have created this website using WordPress as a project for my MIS 1305 class at Baylor University. Thank you for visiting! Join the debate! 🙂