During the first decades of the 20th century, many stakeholders attempted to influence the curriculum at Baylor with varying degrees of impact and success. The extent of their impact was determined by their status and affiliation with the University. These papers demonstrate three spheres of influence for curricular advancement, and specifically, collaborations over curriculum within the larger Baylor community.
The findings of these three research papers posit that the most influential groups were those with the most interaction with the curriculum itself: faculty members and students. Ms. Kari Rood argues that faculty members and academically focused student groups at Baylor formed a partnership to promote curricular growth within the classroom. Ms. Annelise Hardegree discusses the impact groups both outside and inside the University had when vying for control over curriculum. Mrs. Jessica Robinson examines the removal of Latin from the larger curriculum at Baylor University and the way this affected Baylor’s understanding of the value of education. These papers provide case studies for pertinent curricular conversations that continue to be important at colleges and universities today.
Follow links below for Curriculum at Baylor papers:
Baylor University: From Old Wine to New, Changing in the Latin Requirement of Baylor University, 1900-1920. (by Jessica Robinson)
Determining Curriculum: Who Shaped Studies at Baylor, 1900-1920. (by Annelise Hardegree)
Paper 3:Faculty and Students: A Necessary Partnership for Academic Growth (by Kari Rood)