Senioritis…Two Years Late?

It’s not long now until graduation day will be here and I really can’t believe how quickie the time has passed. Along with my anticipation for graduation, however, has come a decrease in motivation! I never really experienced much in the form of ‘senioritis’ leading up to my college graduation, so I guess I just have it two years late!

For me the end of college was pretty laid back up until the last month. i had planned my schedule so that my last semester of college was fairly light and so that I had plenty of time to enjoy living in Orlando and enjoy spending time with my friends. I am quite glad that I scheduled as such because it certainly helped to ease any motivation problems!

This last five weeks is certainly pretty busy! We have classes winding down, are working on finding jobs, and also have oral exams coming up that we need to study for. Needless to say we have a lot of things to complete before the end of our program! I know I’ll find a way to get through the work and stay as motivated as possible, but I am also definitely looking forward to graduation.


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