Busy Week!

With Spring Break only a week away all of us are very busy with classes, assignments and tests. I will say it does feel like we have a lot more free time this five weeks with only having one morning class rather than two! I feel very spoiled being able to get up early on Tuesday/Thursday and not go to school until 11. This has given me a ton of extra time to do work in the morning.

During college I typically enjoyed doing late night work. I’d stay up late and sleep in when possible or wake up early and nap once I finish classes for the day. Since starting grad school I’ve noticed my schedule preferences changing. There are certainly still times where I have stayed up very late working on homework or studying (and came to school quite groggy because of it!), but lately I’ve enjoyed waking up early, sipping on a chai latte and preparing for the day. It definitely makes me feel much less rushed when it does come time to head to class since I’ve already been awake for several hours!

My hope is that as I finish my MBA and head out into the work force that I’ll continue to wake up earlier, spend some time reading or fit in a quick morning work out, enjoy a latte and get ready to start my day. There is something I really enjoy about peaceful mornings nowadays that I didn’t a few years ago!


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