Competitive Paper

One component of my residency is to complete a competitive paper during the fall semester. During the first semester of my MBA, my classmates and I were also responsible for writing and completing a paper on a healthcare topic. This time around we are responsible for completing a paper on healthcare management. With so many different initiatives going on in healthcare, there are many topics to choose from!

If our original papers could be expanded upon to meet this critera it is possible to resubmit that paper with additions and alterations. My original paper was on the ability to utilize Customer Relationship Management systems to manage primary care referrals. I didn’t think that there was much more for me to expand upon, so I decided to start from scratch.

One of the biggest challenges I have in beginning to write a paper is in deciding what I want to learn more about and what  I want to spend time researching. The process of actually choosing a topic and finding articles to support my paper is typically the most time consuming and difficult part of the process for me!

After spending time researching I have ultimately decided to write about the collection of Personal Health Records that are available on the consumer market. With patient engagement becoming increasingly important, finding a PHR that can efficiently, easily, and reliably allow patients to access their health information is essential. Despite this necessity, the current market of PHRs has no set standards for what information they should contain or what capabilities they should have.

I’m hoping to learn more about the topic as I continue to research and draft my paper. One thing I have certainly learned from this process is that it is much more difficult to find the time to write a paper while working than while in school! I’ll be happy to have it completed and submitted soon!


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