Business Plan

For the next few weeks most of my time at my residency is going to be devoted to learning about and helping out with Lake Pointe’s Business Plan for the year. The business plan helps to update home office about how Tenet’s hospitals are operating, if they are meeting their budgets and how they expect to do in years to come.

In addition to putting together our own Business Plan, Lake Pointe’s team will also be helping Sunnyvale to pull together their Business Plan for the first time since joining Tenet. Since Sunnyvale is new to Tenet, their IT systems and means of collecting and interpreting data are different than ours. As a result of this, pulling together Sunnyvale’s Business Plan is likely going to be a big challenge for all involved.

I have enjoyed helping out with the Business Plan so far, as it has given me an opportunity to learn more about Lake Pointe’s operations. I’ve been able to see what some of our strong points are and where we need to improve. It has also been interesting to see how we have performed as compared to competitors in the market. Knowing this information can help the leadership team at Lake Pointe to position the hospital for success going forward.

As Sunnyvale’s Business Plan begins to develop more, it is likely that we will begin to learn more about Sunnyvale, both good and bad, as well. It will also help us to understand where Sunnyvale has shortcomings in terms of data reporting. Having joined Lake Pointe at a time where the Dallas Tenet hospitals are moving towards a market approach and where a new hospital is being onboard, there is a lot for me to experience and learn!


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