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50 for 50 : Numbers 4 – 1

To celebrate the 50th anniversary of Moody Memorial Library, we are counting down 50 unique items from the special collections housed in the half-century-old building.

This month is our final month wrapping up a year-long celebration of our collections. We are highlighting four Bibles from the rich and expansive collection of religious texts. The Central Libraries Special Collections hold hundreds of Bibles (facsimiles and originals) dating from the 4th century through the 20th. Since we can't show you all in one blog entry, the librarians voted to highlight some of the earliest bibles. Each bible in the collection holds a significant place in religious and political history as religious text and as cultural object.

4 - 1

#4 : Codex Vaticanus B (Facsimile: Rome, 1999, original dated from 4th century)


#3 : Aleppo Codex (Facsimile: Jerusalem, 1976, original dated from 10th century )

#2 : A smaller Biblia pauperum... (London, 1884, content dated from 1450)


#1 : Biblia Sacra polyglotta (London, 1963, content dated from 1657)


We hope you've enjoyed these past 12 months of special collections highlights! You can access these materials by arranging a visit with our special collections staff! To make an appointment, please visit our web page:

This post is part of the 50 for 50 series highlighting 50 unique and fascinating items found in the Central Libraries' special collections. The series is being held as part of the ongoing celebration of Moody Memorial Library's 50th anniversary.

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