And it starts…

September 13, 2014

Filed under: Job Search — carlosgieseken @ 9:17 pm

I’ve officially started the job hunt and it’s kind of surreal. On the one hand, it’s super exciting to see what is on the horizon come (hopefully) January after graduation in December. What job will I get? Where will I work? Where will I live? It’s exciting to be turning a page on life.

On the other hand, it’s bittersweet. I’m going to miss all my classmates and all the professors and members of the MBA administration. I’m even going to miss all the undergrads and the way they walk around like sedated chickens with their heads cut off.

Grad school, even with its stress, is still way easier than the real world. So I’m trying to take every moment and not wish away the rest of my time here.

I went to a National Society of Hispanic MBAs leadership conference in Dallas last Friday and it went really well. There were several sessions on all sorts of leadership development. Sponsors of the event sent recruiters, so it was a mini-job fair and it went really well. I also had a resume critique, which gave me some really good pointers on specific details in my resume.

Since Friday I’ve been revising my resume and hitting job boards to see what’s out there. It’s like taking another one credit class, I’m guessing, but it’s important to make the time to search and apply for jobs. I definitely learned my lesson with the late start to my internship search last Spring and would love to have a job nailed down by graduation. Wish me luck!