Statistics has several subdisciplines. Some of them are founded on the kinds of probabilistic assumptions they use, some on specific kinds of applications, and some have to do with the experimental paradigm itself.

In BaylorISMs, every module is listed in at least one branch. The branches currently represented are listed below.

General probability and statistics

The modules in the general probability and statistics section explain the foundational elements of statistical science. Whether you’re trying to understand random variables, probability distributions, or basic classical hypothesis tests, this is the section for you.

Nonparametric statistics

Nonparametric statistics is the branch of statistics which strives for the fewest assumptions possible. Order, rank, robustness are all key terms in this beautiful area of statistics with broad applications.

Bayesian statistics

Bayesian statisticians design and apply methodologies which incorporate expert opinion into the probabilistic mechanisms themselves in an attempt to better understand experiments. Here, the goal is to use data to update prior beliefs with hard empirical data to draw principled conclusions.


One of the largest branches of applied statistics, biostatistics is the application of statistical science to problems from biology and medicine. Whether you’re after understanding the effect of a new medication or trying to determine how many subjects are required for an upcoming trial, the biostatistics section’s got you covered.

Time series and spatial statistics

The subfield of time series is concerned with understanding and forecasting data with a temporal component – financial instruments, weather, even celestial events can be seen through the broad lens of time series. The closely related field of spatial statistics tries to understand problems involving data observed at fixed or random locations and is used in as disparate areas as geology and political science.

Just for fun

There are some topics in statistics that are just… fun! Whether games, puzzles, or just interesting facts, in this corner you’ll find a number of cool statistics pieces.