Being Present

By Aaron Harder

Have you ever had those moments when you just zone out? Not because of what was going on around you was boring, but because you had so much else on your mind. I find that during times of stress or business I have a hard time staying in the moment.

However, I sometimes struggle with paying attention to things when life is great. Staying present and in the moment can be challenging, but important.

Here are two reasons it is important to be in the moment and to be present during happy times:

  1. DON’T PUT ALL OF YOUR EGGS IN ONE BASKET. This might sound negative, but if you are really excited about something in your life (you start dating someone, get into your top college, get a puppy, etc.) it is easy to put all your excitement and joy in that relationship, school, or thing. However, this can be dangerous because that relationship or thing may not always be there. If it leaves, so does your joy. Life is much bigger than any one relationship; activity, college, or thing so enjoy all life offers.
  2. VALUING OTHERS. I notice that when I have something in my life that is a big enough deal to me (what college I want to go, what job I will do, who I will date etc.), I spend most of my energy thinking about this thing. Sometimes, so much so that when others are talking to me, I tune them out so I can think about whatever it is that’s on my mind. However, not listening to someone can be incredibly devaluing, you’re insinuating that whatever they have to say is not as important as what you want to think about. Do not tune others out, what they have to say is important, and listening to others is a great way to practice selflessness.


I am not saying that choosing a college, dating someone, or getting a puppy is not important, these things can be incredibly important. However, listening to others is equally of value and importance. Being present in a conversation or class values whoever you’re talking to, plus learning how to stay present and in the moment will teach you how to enjoy that big moment you’re looking forward to even more. The next best thing to one source of joy is two sources of joy, so stay in the moment and enjoy where you are at.