“Baylor People are God’s People”

By Micah Furlong

“Baylor People are God’s People” – this is the thought that keeps running through my head as I try to understand my own situation.

I’ll spare you all the gory details, but it seems like my best friend has abandoned me after eight years, and my relationship is coming to an end after four. These pillars of who I am are suddenly gone, and in this moment, it seems as if I’ve lost my foundation.

But I am not abandoned.

When I first realized what was going on, I felt so alone. Very quickly, I was asked what was happening, but not in some fake “I’m only curious – I don’t really want to listen” kind of way. I cried alone, and when I felt more stable, I was invited to come and cry with friends. In that place, I was welcomed not as some victim to be pitied, but as a brother to be comforted. We stayed up until four in the morning, crying, talking and running over innocent civilians in Grand Theft Auto. My friend had classes the next day and an exam worth 30 percent of his grade, but he gave up those precious hours of sleep to be with me.

Now, I can’t guarantee that if you come to Baylor, you’ll have as good of friends as I have been blessed to receive. But, honestly, these are some of the best people I’ve ever been around. At Baylor, the Christian mentality is not a “holier-than-thou” routine – although there certainly are those folks. It seems as if this community is made up of people still learning what it means to even be a Christian and trying to practice that conviction.

I don’t know where I heard the phrase, “Baylor’s people are God’s people,” but it keeps reverberating in the echoes of my mind. This change and potential loss of hugely important people in my life has been horrible, and I might have been able to stop it if I was at home. But I know that I am supposed to be at Baylor. Now that I’m here, in the midst of this community, I have found a loving group of people who are just as lost as I and yet who seek Jesus in all of their actions.

I hope that, if you come to Baylor, you can experience the same blessing.

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